Recognizing Claw Toe Before It’s Too Late

Claw toe is a prevalent foot deformity, but it often gets confused with hammertoe. Where hammertoe creates a bend in the toe, a claw toe will bend your toes under so they begin to look like bird's claws. In other cases, your toes will turn upward and point to the sky. It can happen with high-heeled shoes or shoes that are too tight. However, it also occurs in people with diseases like diabetes because of the nerve damage it causes. Drinking alcohol can cause this issue, and the muscles in your feet get weak and damaged. If you leave this condition unattended, you will lose your ability to walk as the deformity becomes permanent.

How to Treat Claw Toe

Exercising—through toe exercises, you can strengthen your foot so you retain your flexibility. It includes stretches like trying to pick up a marble with the affected toe. Scrunching a towel is another exercise that may help your issue.

Changing your footwearcustom orthotics will be soft and have a wide toe box so your shoes won’t create tightening on your toes.

Pads—a special pad in a custom orthotic will add depth to the shoe that will help accommodate your issue and redistribute the weight of your body so it doesn't hurt your foot as much. In addition, having a release from the pressure will lessen the pain and help with inflammation.

Surgery—if all else fails, you will need to undergo surgery. In most cases, your podiatrist will recommend rerouting your flexor tendon to the toe to get it to the correct position. If your toe is entirely immobile and the deformity has been present for years, you will see that your podiatrist may recommend a toe fusion to correct the issue.

Dr. James C Ricketti, in Hamilton Square, New Jersey, specializes in the best and most technologically advanced and innovative solutions so that you retain your mobility, your freedom, and the ability to enjoy your life. Dr. Ricketti has decades of experience and offers special treatment that can heal any issue. Contact us today at (609) 587-1674.  


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